Professor Martin Braithwaite

Academic Visitor, Laboratory for Scientific Computing at Department of Physics, University of Cambridge


Academic Visitor, Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge

Professor Martin Braithwaite is currently an Academic Visitor to the LSC group at the Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, as well as being Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College, London.

He obtained his professional qualifications from Imperial College (BSc (Eng), 1971) and a PhD in physical chemistry from Cambridge (1974). After undertaking postdoctoral research (UBC, Canada: USC, California: JILA, Colorado) he worked for ICI as a company research associate for 20 years covering aspects of explosives performance and process safety. He held the William Penney chair of chemical physics at Cranfield University (2000-2006) and has had visiting chairs at TU Delft (Chemical Technology) and University of Queensland (Sustainable Minerals Institute). He has published widely on aspects of ideal and non-ideal detonation physics and chemical engineering safety and reaction kinetics and is author of over 50 papers on these and related topics.