Speaker: William Horsley, Former BBC foreign correspondent, International Director of the Centre for Freedom of the Media
This seminar will address the relationship between British politics and the Media. In the aftermath of the phonehacking scandal the relationship between British politics and the press has come to be seen as poisonous, too cosy or even corrupt. This spiky relationship helps to create the lively political climate which makes the British media an issue of enduring interest to the rest of the world. This relationship is also the reason that the expected shake-up of media regulation must advance the great UK tradition of free speech, not its other tradition of excessive secrecy.
These seminars aim to bring together a diverse range of individuals from the humanities as well as social and natural sciences to discuss the public policy implications of their work and research.
They will take place on Fridays in the Department of Engineering on Trumpington Street in Lecture Room 4 from 1-2pm, throughout the Michaelmas term.
Each talk will last 25-30 minutes and will be followed by open discussion.