Baroness Bryony Worthington

at House of Lords

Labour Party Shadow Minister on Energy and Climate Change
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Baroness Bryony Worthington is the UK Labour Party's Shadow Minister on Energy & Climate Change. An experienced climate campaigner who has worked for Friends of the Earth, Wildlife and Countryside Link, in government, and in the energy sector for SSE. Bryony was a key member of the team that campaigned for and drafted the UK's world-leading Climate Change Act, setting legally binding targets to largely decarbonise the UK by 2050.

Bryony is the founder of Sandbag, an NGO focused on research & campaigning for effective climate policies, with a particular focus on the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. She is also an active patron of the Alvin Weinberg Foundation, advocating next-generation nuclear power.

  • In news articles

    Baroness Worthington becomes CSaP Visiting Research Fellow

    CSaP is delighted to welcome its third Visiting Research Fellow - Baroness Bryony Worthington, the UK Labour Party's Shadow Minister on Energy & Climate Change.