Professor Elizabeth George

KPMG Professor of Management Studies at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge

KPMG Professor of Management Studies, University of Cambridge Judge Business School

Professor George's research interests include nonstandard work arrangements and how they affect individuals and organisations, and how dissimilarity in a team affects both the team and the organisation. More recently she has been exploring the longer term implications of both nonstandard work and dissimilarity for individual and organisational effectiveness.

Professor George's academic area is within Judge Business School's Organisational Behaviour group, whose current research interests include: Leadership and emotions; Psychometric measurement, big data, and people analytics; Decision making; Cross-cultural management; Creativity and innovation; and Teams. George's work has appeared in academic journals, notably the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and the Journal of Applied Psychology.

She holds a BA from Bombay University, a Master's Degree from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and a PhD from The University of Texas at Austin.