Matthew Dunstan

at BlueSci


Matthew completed his undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the University of Sydney and moved to Cambridge in 2011 to begin a PhD at the Department of Chemistry. His research is mainly focussed on developing novel materials for applications in energy supply and production. This ranges from work with new materials for use in fuel cells to his current project which involves making new materials for chemical looping for carbon capture and storage applications.

Matthew was previously the President of the Young Scientists of Australia (YSA), a volunteer youth organisation which seeks to 'promote the science to the youth of Australia', and is interested in scientific outreach to both the wider public and especially school students. He also enjoys scientific writing and journalism, and writes for BlueSci magazine within the University of Cambridge. He is interested in raising scientific literacy to enable policymakers to work more closely and meaningfully with scientists.

  • 24 September 2012, 6pm

    BBC World Service Forum Programme on Education

    CSaP is hosting a discussion programme in front of a live audience, for the BBC World Service Forum programme, which takes place at 6pm on 24 September at Murray Edwards College in Cambridge – the first time the Forum has been hosted at the University.

  • 1 February 2012, 5:30pm

    CSaP Distinguished Lecture: The intelligence stairway

    The first CSaP Distinguished Lecture in 2012 will be given by Jaan Tallinn, a co-founder of Skype, who will present a model for thinking about evolution, innovation, artificial intelligence and the future of humanity.