Dr Michael Roberts

Senior Research Associate of Applied Mathematics at Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge

Senior Research Associate of Applied Mathematics at DAMTP

Dr Roberts is a member of the Cambridge Image Analysis group (CIA) and leads the algorithm development team for the global COVID-19 AIX-COVNET collaboration for using machine learning methods to prognosticate and diagnose for COVID-19 using imaging and clinical data (https://covid19ai.maths.cam.ac.uk/). He is also co-PI for the BloodCounts! consortium which is developing artificial intelligence-based methods to use routine full blood count data as a pandemic surveillance tool. See more here.

His research interests focus on variational methods for image processing (in particular image segmentation and registration), machine learning for image and data analysis, image processing and data analysis. He has active interdisciplinary collaborations with other applied mathematicians, computer scientists and clinicians focussing on medical imaging problems. He has vast experience in studying medical imaging problems for lung diseases including (but not limited to) lung cancer, idiopathic lung fibrosis, mesothelioma and drug induced interstitial lung disease.