Shervin MirzaeiGhazi

Policy Intern at Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Policy Intern, Centre for Science and Policy

Shervin MirzaeiGhazi is a Policy Intern at the Centre for Science and Policy. He is completing his PhD thesis titled 'A Comprehensive Account of Responsibility and Punishment' at Lund University. In his thesis, Shervin presents an interdisciplinary theory of punishment, attempting to combine insights from various fields such as sociology, philosophy of law and politics, moral philosophy, and economics. He is also engaged with the issue of responsibility from the perspective of determinism and free will, aiming to make a case for moral responsibility while assuming the truth of determinism. At the Centre, Shervin will be involved in various activities, from research to organizing workshops and conferences.

  • In news articles

    Policy making under pressure

    Statistics provide important evidence for policy making, but they are often imperfect and such imperfection can be heightened by time pressures. How can policy makers come to understand the trade-offs between using data and making it robust? Deniz Gursul (Campaigns and Policy Manager for the Royal Statistical Society) spoke to our Policy Fellows about 'Statistics Under Pressure', a project that works to inform stakeholders about trade-offs and the uncertainties inherent in data.

  • In news articles

    Access to Data: Challenges and Solutions

    Professor Frank Kelly, Emeritus Professor of the Mathematics of Systems, University of Cambridge, addressed some of the challenges of data sharing and suggested some possible solutions.