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  • 20 October 2016

    Multi-level governance of climate change: CSaP Policy Workshop

    The Paris Agreement has been hailed as a major step in global climate change mitigation efforts, but how can different levels of governance work together to make the promises of Paris a reality? CSaP held a Policy Workshop bringing together climate specialists to discuss this question.
  • 27 September 2016

    Honest advocacy for nature: presenting a persuasive narrative for conservation

    This paper presents the case of the Lawton Review, which was able to seize on an opportunity to communicate a rigorously argued, persuasive and practical conservation message; in other words, it performed ‘honest advocacy’.
  • 12 May 2016

    How can we build flood resilience in the UK?

    Earlier this month, a group of experts from the University of Cambridge convened a one-day seminar to discuss river and coastal flooding in the UK, and how to manage risks and improve resilience in flood-prone communities.
  • 23 March 2016

    Knowledge, Expertise and the Policy Process

    A report of the discussion on Professor Susan Owens' book "Knowledge, Policy and Expertise: The UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 1970-2011"
  • 21 March 2016

    What can Cambridge do about climate change?

    In our final seminar of the 2016 Climate Change series, we heard from a panel of experts on what Cambridge could do to drive progress in sustainable living and combatting climate change.
  • 14 March 2016

    Magical thinking; the way towards a more sustainable future?

    The third of our 2016 series of climate seminars included talks from Dr Richard Fraser and Professor Paul Linden. Recordings of the first two seminars in the series may be found here (4 Feb) and here (11 Feb).
  • 29 February 2016

    Harnessing the potential of social movements, and generating impact at scale

    A Policy Workshop held in collaboratioin with Friends of the Earth, the Nesta Health Lab and the Cambridge Institute of Public Health, brought together a wide range of Policy Fellows from the health and environment sectors to discuss the role of social movements, innovation, and impact at scale.
  • 11 February 2016

    How can buildings be made more efficient in combatting carbon emissions?

    In the second of the 2016 seminar series, Simon Sharpe (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and Professor Ian Leslie (Cambridge Computer Laboratory) discussed how the risks of climate change are communicated, and how buildings could be made to be more efficient in combatting carbon emissions.
  • 4 February 2016

    How has Paris 2015 changed the landscape and rhetoric surrounding climate change?

    In the first seminar of this series, CSaP Visiting Research Fellow, Professor Charles Kennel introduced two speakers who shared their thoughts on how Paris 2015 had changed the landscape and rhetoric surrounding climate change.
  • 12 January 2016

    The Policy Year in Review

    CSaP Policy Fellows met at the Institute for Contemporary Arts to reflect on the important policy issues of 2015 and those emerging for 2016.