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  • 26 October 2012

    CSaP Policy Fellow discusses why Britain needs a National Risk Register

    In this discussion piece, John Tesh (Deputy Director, Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat, and CSaP Policy Fellow) explains why Britain needs a National Risk Register.
  • 10 February 2012

    Innovation management by global health entrepreneurs

    For diseases like TB, logistical and societal factors may be larger barriers to treatment than either drug innovation or affordability. Julia Fan Li outlined the role that entrepreneurship can have in helping to overcome these challenges.
  • 3 February 2012

    Monitoring volcanic gas emissions: From innovation to operational application

    The recent Icelandic eruptions have catapulted volcanologists to the forefront of policymaking. What can be done to predict these devastating eruptions? And how do we sensibly manage the risks?