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  • 1 May 2020

    Soil Health in the United Kingdom

    What would an agricultural soil plan for the UK look like and which measures would we use to monitor its effectiveness? Do we know enough about soil and soil health indicators to be able to operationalize policies that would ensure that soil health is looked after and which would ensure that land gives us the kind of benefits that we collectively decide we want?
  • 24 October 2019

    What drives social cohesion and what interventions can be used to improve it?

    Professor Sarah Curtis discussed place and social cohesion at the first in a series of workshops on cohesive societies hosted by CSaP and the British Academy.
  • 7 November 2018

    How can we make the best use of urban green space?

    CSaP's Policy Workshop, held in collaboration with the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and Grow Wild, brought together practitioners, residents, academics and local government officials together at Eastbury Manor House to discuss the best uses of small pockets of urban green space.
  • 9 July 2018

    Behaviour change, nudging and the nanny state

    The first session at CSaP's annual conference was chaired by Dr Helen Munn, Director of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and included world leading experts on behaviour change from the University of Cambridge, UCL and Defra.
  • 7 April 2017

    The impact of ride sharing apps on urban mobility

    Planning for the future of urban mobility balances the need to reduce the amount of cars on the road whilst also maximising access to transportation. A meeting for CSaP's Policy Fellows considered 'The Future of Urban Mobility'.
  • 29 March 2017

    What will future transport systems look like in the UK?

    As part of the Government Foresight Project into the Future of Mobility, CSaP organised a Policy Workshop which brought together representatives from the Government Office for Science with experts from academia and industry to discuss potential social and demographic issues which are likely to influence mobility over the next few decades.
  • 16 February 2017

    How can machine learning techniques improve our understanding of climate change risks in the future?

    Dr Emily Shuckburgh explains how machine learning techniques can be used to improve climate model predictions and provide a more sophisticated understanding of climate change risks in the future.
  • 2 February 2017

    How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?

    In the second of the 2017 climate seminar series, Clive Maxwell, Director General of Energy Transformation at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, described some of the technologies and initiatives put in place by the UK government to reduce carbon emissions, and some of the challenges we still face in tackling climate change.
  • 26 January 2017

    How can earth's vital signs help us to monitor the impacts of climate change?

    The 2017 Climate Change Seminar Series kicked off in January with a talk on how understanding earth’s “vital signs” could aid efforts to adapt to, and mitigate, climate change.
  • 5 December 2016

    The future of cycling in the cities of tomorrow

    The replacement of driving with active forms of travel has the capacity to provide myriad health and economic benefits, says Dr David Ogilvie of the Centre for Diet and Activity Research at a recent CSaP event.