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  • 23 April 2015

    Humanities at the heart of government: What does policy making stand to gain?

    This discussion covered the role of the humanities in shaping public policy from the view of a civil servant, the toxic and complex issue of the free movement of workers, and the humanities and policy making in a hyperconnected world.
  • 23 April 2015

    Art and Memory: Conflict and Conflict resolution

    The role which art plays in conflict and conflict resolution was the topic of this panel chaired by Dr Tristram Riley-Smith.
  • 23 April 2015

    Is there a place for the humanities in climate change policy?

    A discussion on the multiple dimensions of climate change with a particular focus on the incorporation of the humanities featured three engaging speakers from backgrounds in both academia and the private sector. The session was chaired by Professor James Wilsdon, a lecturer in science policy at the University of Sussex.
  • 23 April 2015

    Understanding the financial future with lessons from the past

    CSaP’s Founding Director David Cleevely chairs a discussion on how understanding financial history can help inform future policy making.