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  • 23 May 2014

    Vince Cable: Where next for further and higher education?

    Last month, Vince Cable gave a detailed account of the current state of our post-school training system and how we again need to close the gap that Anthony Crosland set out to do over half a century ago.
  • 15 May 2014

    CSaP hosts MPs panel discussion on the role of evidence and expertise in policy

    What role does evidence and networks of expertise play in the policy development process? This was the question that science spokespersons from the three main Westminster parties were asked to address at CSaP's annual conference last month.
  • 8 May 2014

    CSaP collaborates on new cloud computing centre

    On 10 April at the Microsoft Centre in Brussels, a new centre was launched which will focus on the issues stemming from the intersection of technology and regulation.