History & Policy (H&P) is the only UK network of 500+ academic historians equipped to engage with policy makers, civil society and the media.

H&P is a unique collaboration between the Institute of Contemporary British History at King's College London and the History Faculty at the University of Cambridge.

With more than a decade of experience, H&P is the first port of call for civil servants, NGOs and journalists wanting to understand the implications of history for social, economic and political issues today.

Among H&P’s activities:

• Popular seminar series in three government departments and interactive workshops
• Online publication programme of high-quality historical research with clear policy learning – 165 papers to date on www.historyandpolicy.org/policy-papers
• Innovative forums on trade unionism, public health, parenting and the environment
• Public events bringing together historians and policy communities to understand how history can inform policy making today
• Advice and training for historians wanting to engage with policy audiences


Professor Simon Szreter

Co-Founder / Editorial Director of the H&P Policy Paper programme