
Climate Change and Technology

1 November 2018, 1:30pm


Climate Change and Technology

Date: Thursday 1 November 2018
Time:13:30 - 17:30
Location: MR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Meeting organised by Cambridge Centre for Climate Science (CCfCS)

Concentrations of greenhouse gases can potentially be limited by one the one hand reducing emissions through meeting energy needs from non-fossil-fuel sources and on the other by actively reducing concentrations, through greenhouse gas removal. Both approaches present significant technological challenges. This meeting brings together experts in the science of climate change and experts in the science that underpins promising technologies.


1:30 - 2:15

Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science at University of Oxford) will speak about the recently recommended 1.5 degree C target and what measures will be necessary to reach it.

2:15 - 3:00

Erwin Reisner (Professor of Energy and Sustainability at the University of Cambridge) will describe developments on sunlight-driven synthesis of sustainable fuels and chemicals.

3:00 - 3:30 Coffee break

3.30 - 4:15

Corinne Le Quere FRS (Professor of Climate Change Science and Policy at University of East Angia) will discuss greenhouse gas removal including the findings of the recent Royal Society/Royal Academy of Engineering Report of which she was a co-author.

4:15 - 5:00

Jerome Neufeld (Reader in Earth and Planetary Fluid Dynamics at the University of Cambridge) will describe prospects for carbon sequestration.

5:00 Refreshments and further discussion

If you are hoping to attend the meeting please sign up here.


For further details of talks, including abstracts, please click here

Future CCfCS event:

Panel discussion on IPCC 1.5 deg C special report Tuesday 27 November 2018, 14:00-17:00 British Antarctic Survey Conference Room Details to follow -- see http://www.talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/31749 for further details.

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