
ECONPUBLIC Lecture: Geoff Mulgan

28 June 2013, 9:30am


'Big ideas and little evidence? Reflections on thinktanks of the past, present and future'

Date: 09:30-11:30, Friday 28th June 2013

Venue: Mill Lane Lecture Room 4, Mill Lane, Cambridge

Geoff Mulgan, Chief Executive of the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA), co-founder of Demos and former Head of Policy at No 10 under Tony Blair, reflects on the role of thinktanks in British political life.

To secure a ticket for the event (for free) please visit: http://geoffmulgan.eventbrite.co.uk

This talk is part of a one-day workshop on ‘Economic reason: intellectuals and think tanks in the late twentieth century’ organised by the ECONPUBLIC (Economics in the Public Sphere) project at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

For further details visit: http://www.econpublic.hps.cam.ac.uk/events/workshop-economic-reason/