
Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: The Future of the Civil Service: Evolution or Revolution?

7 February 2013, 1pm


Speaker: Professor Colin Talbot

February 7, 1pm.

Venue: Latimer Room, Clare College Cambridge, Trinity Lane (map)


"The old model of a politically neutral civil service is coming under increasing attack – from Ministers dissatisfied with civil service responsiveness to their radical agenda; from Parliament dissatisfied with lack of accountability to them of civil servants; from many outsiders who engage with the civil service with a lack of expertise and competence in key skills areas; and from the public and the media for multiple blunders – from billions of pounds of overpaid tax-credits to the rail franchise fiasco.

Can the old model survive or are we headed for a very different future – possibly along US or Australian lines? And will any change be evolutionary or revolutionary in character?"


These seminars bring together a diverse range of individuals from the humanities as well as social and natural sciences to discuss the public policy implications of their work and research.

Each talk will last 25-30 minutes and will be followed by open discussion.

Please click here to see the full list of CPP Seminars for this term.

A report on this event can be found here.

Professor Colin Talbot

Centre for Business Research (CBR), University of Cambridge