Professor Michael Grubb

Professor of Energy and Climate Change, Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London (UCL)

Professor of Energy and Climate Change, Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London

Professor Michael Grubb's research and experience have grouped broadly around four main themes:

  • Energy innovation, with emphasis upon the innovation process in the energy sector, particularly in relation to renewable sources and the design of efficient and effect market structures and support systems
  • Integration of renewable electricity sources into electricity systems and associated issues of system management, security and capacity adequacy, particularly as applied to UK system and interconnection
  • Carbon pricing and emissions trading systems, including design of the EU ETS and industrial competitiveness and the international coordination and development of carbon pricing systems
  • International climate change responses more broadly including the UNFCCC negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol and its ‘Flexibility Mechanisms’, and the wider challenges of international cooperation including of course implementation of the Paris Agreement.

    An additional and rising area of interest is in financial systems, particularly in relation to investment and macroeconomic dimensions.

He is also a Senior Advisor on Sustainable Energy Policy to the UK Energy Regulator Ofgem, and editor-in-chief of the journal Climate Policy.

He was previously a Senior Research Associate at in the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research at the University of Cambridge. Prior to that he held positions as Chair of the international research organization Climate Strategies; Chief Economist at the Carbon Trust; Professor of Climate Change and Energy Policy at Imperial College London; and head of Energy and Environment at Chatham House, and he continues to be associated with these institutions.

Professor Grubb has also served on the UK Climate Change Committee, established under the UK Climate Change Bill to advise the government on future carbon budgets and to report to Parliament on their implementation. In 2013 he was the Specialist Advisor to a House of Lords European Committee enquiry. ‘No Country is an Energy Island: securing investment for the EU's Future' (2013).