Dr Rachel Rosen

Senior Lecturer at University College London (UCL)


Dr Rosen's work is located at the intersections of sociology of childhood and materialist feminist thought, with a focus on unequal childhoods, migration and stratified social reproduction. It contributes to key debates about the politics of children and childhood; changing adult-child relations in the context of neo-liberal migration and welfare regimes; and how and to what effect children are involved in migration processes.

Her current research is focused on:
  • The care of children, by children, on migration journeys, as well as how these caring practices are taken into account in children's efforts to settle and claim asylum in the UK. She is co-leading the ESRC-funded research project 'Children Caring on the Move': https://ccomstudy.com/
  • The perceived commonalities and conflicts between children’s interests and women’s interests and, more broadly, intersections and antagonisms between feminisms and the politics of childhood. She is the PI on a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants project: Social reproduction in the shadows: migrant mothers and children with “no recourse to public funds”.
Methodologically, she is interested in the ethics and politics of participatory research with children and other marginalised social groups.