
Felicia Huppert - Does well-being have a role to play in public policy

17 February 2012, 1pm


This seminar is part of Cambridge Mental Health Week organised by the Cambridge Mental Wealth Group - to see the full programme of events for the week please follow the link here.


Speaker: Professor Felicia Huppert, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

The standard measure of progress has been economic growth or GDP. But governments are beginning to question whether GDP is an end in itself, or a means to an end. What might that end be? Individual, social and environmental well-being have been proposed as important indicators of progress.

This talk will focus on individual well-being, and particularly how individuals experience their lives, i.e. their subjective well-being. High levels of subjective well-being are associated with better health, learning, productivity, and relationships, leading in turn to increased social well-being. The challenge of measuring subjective well-being will be confronted, and innovative approaches to the enhancement of well-being in the general population will be described. It will be argued that better policy decisions will be made if subjective well-being is considered in the policy design process, and if the measurement of subjective well-being is included as a key policy impact assessment tool.


These seminars aim to bring together a diverse range of individuals from the humanities as well as social and natural sciences to discuss the public policy implications of their work and research.

They will take place on Fridays between 1-2pm, in LR4 during the Lent term in the Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street.

Each talk will last 25-30 minutes and will be followed by open discussion.

For a full list of seminars please follow the link here.

Professor Felicia Huppert

The Well-being Institute, University of Cambridge