
Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Baroness Neuberger

30 January 2013, 6pm


Title: Thinking differently about ageing - how could government really make a difference, without spending much more?

Speaker: Baroness Neuberger DBE, Senior Rabbi, West London Synagogue

Date: 18:00-19:00 + Drinks 30 January 2013

Venue: Peterhouse Lecture Theatre, Peterhouse, Trumpington Street, Cambridge

Synopsis: How do we think about older people and why do we see them as a problem? Is it right for older people to have universal benefits, such as bus passes and winter fuel allowances, or should those benefits be targeted on those who need them most? What is our responsibility for caring for those who have families who could care for them? And what quality of care should we be providing for older people? How should we pay for it? These are some of the questions I hope to address, along with questions about care workers and their training and pay,the lack of serious thinking about work for older people, the need for more chances for older people to contribute to society, and the need for a rethink of our view that older people are a burden.