CSaP Policy Workshops provide a forum for policy professionals and researchers to debate, cross examine and re-evaluate issues that are of direct relevance to public policy, providing decision makers in government with an opportunity to test and shape their thinking. Our Workshops unlock complex policy issues by drawing on our network to convene the right experts in the right setting with subtle event design to explore evidence and ideas. Senior academics and policy makers engage with confidence knowing the calibre of participants is assured and the Chatham House Rule is applied with care. The benefits often extend beyond the original policy questions, as entirely new perspectives on issues open and a network of valuable experts grows.
See how the Cambridge Reproduction benefitted from collaborating with CSaP on a series of Policy Workshops.
The purpose of this workshop was to gain insights and expert opinions on the opportunities and risks linked to future science and technology developments in ...
How can we measure the biodiversity impacts of mining and what are the challenges?
This workshop brought together a group of local, regional, and national policymakers, academic researchers, and other relevant experts to discuss what determines healthy life expectancy ...
The Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP), University of Cambridge, organised a Policy Workshop in partnership with the Department for Transport (DfT). The workshop addressed ...
In partnership with National Highways, CSaP organised a Policy Workshop on nature recovery networks and habitat connectivity in the UK.
The workshop brought together policy makers (local, regional, and national levels), leading academic experts from the University of Cambridge, as well as other relevant stakeholders, ...
In February 2023, the Centre for Science and Policy in partnership with Research England organised a Policy Workshop. The workshop brought together Research England representatives, ...
A discussion on how academics, policy makers, and regulators can work together to solve some of the policy and regulatory issues caused by the deployment ...
In June 2023, CSaP organised a Policy Workshop in partnership with the Cambridge Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Research Centre (Cambridge Neuroscience IRC) and the Department for Education ...
A workshop to discuss what actions are needed to improve efficiency and productivity in the public sector.
“For academics who may not think their work is relevant to policy, I’d suggest taking a fresh look. Even if you don’t think Policy Workshops are for you, they quite probably are.”