"Taking a short break from the day-to-day and being able to immerse myself in the programme has resulted in me getting excited all over again by the opportunities we, as policy makers, have for generating change and improving outcomes for people through our work." Charlotte Bright, Department of Health and Social Care
Cat Little describes the benefits of CSaP’s Policy Leaders Fellowship and the importance of being exposed to different thinking, new ideas, and diverse experiences.
Charlotte Bright describes how the CSaP Fellowship gave her the opportunity to expand her policy toolkit and build a broader network of like-minded policy thinkers.
Dan Shah reflects on his experience as a CSaP Policy Fellow, and how engaging with CSaP's network has been insightful and helpful to his work.
David Knight describes how CSaP’s Policy Fellowship Programme has given him the gravitas to advise ministers on his subject area from a credible position.
Professor Dame Diane Coyle discusses her work and the mutual benefits that emerge from engagement with CSaP and its network.
Diane Pochard talks about the value of the Policy Fellowship and how it opened up new avenues of collaboration and networks.
Emily describes how the connections she has developed through CSaP's network have informed her work and the work of the policy makers she has met.
In her case study, Esther discusses how several of her meetings with academics resulted in real and tangible outputs.
Professor Sir John Aston describes how connections made through CSaP helped him make the transition from working in academia to taking on the role of ...
Mohib Rahman describes how he has sought to promote a culture of engagement within his department by sharing experiences and insights from his CSaP Fellowship.
Paul Kett reflects on how his Policy Leaders Fellowship helped inform his policy work.
Rachel Appiah reflects on how her experience as a CAPE Policy Fellow has helped her address the challenges faced by deprived cities and communities.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Cambridge. Here she describes her experience of engaging with CSaP Policy Fellows.
Sharon Peacock is Professor of Public Health and Microbiology at the University of Cambridge. Here she describes her experience of engaging with CSaP Policy Fellows.
Simon Strickland describes how the Fellowship has both enhanced his professional growth and influenced policy making in Whitehall.
Stephen Elderkin, Director of Environmental Sustainability, National Highways, describes how a meeting led to a potential saving of CO2 and a new standard of concrete.
Vedantha Kumar reflects on his experience of the CSaP Fellowship and how it led to an evolution in his thinking on climate policy.