"Taking a short break from the day-to-day and being able to immerse myself in the programme has resulted in me getting excited all over again by the opportunities we, as policy makers, have for generating change and improving outcomes for people through our work." Charlotte Bright, Department of Health and Social Care
"Without a doubt, meeting with CSaP Policy Fellows has been one of the best parts of being in Cambridge."
"CSaP allows you to take a day or two out of Whitehall and just completely un-constrain your thinking."
"I have met many Policy Fellows over the years. These meetings are of real value to both parties; they put us in touch with policy ...
“As Cambridge academics, we’re incredibly privileged to have access to such high-level civil servants and experts through CSaP.”
"Overall, the Policy Fellowship has not only refreshed my thinking but has also had a direct and practical impact on my work."
“The magic of CSaP is its deep networks in the policy ecosystem and experience in working through science policy questions for concrete and tangible outputs.”
“For me, these meetings have been a learning experience, giving me a view ‘under the hood’ of the policy making process."
"Overall, the Fellowship has been a tremendous opportunity for personal and professional growth."
"Access to CSaP's network has been really valuable."
"The secondment into government helped me to better understand the kinds of issues and questions that government has to grapple with."
"The CSaP Fellowship has been really helpful in terms of building my own personal network of useful contacts."
"The Policy Fellowship gave me a deeper understanding of some of the ideas moving between academia and the policy world."