The Flawed Dominance of Economics
Date: 4th December
Time: 17:30
Venue: The Keynes Lecture Theatre, Kings College, Cambridge
This event will question how the social sciences (apart from economics) could play a more substantive role in government decision making. It will address questions such as: Why is economics dominant? What is the impact of having a single social science dominating thought in government? What do other social sciences have to offer?
- James Wilsdon: Chairman of the Campaign for Social Science
- Paul Wiles: Former Chief Government Social Scientist
- Stewart Wallis: Executive Director of the New Economics Foundation
- Rory Sutherland: Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group
Following the event there will a small dinner with the speakers, representatives from industry and a group of early career researchers. Seats at the dinner are very limited, but if you would like to attend then please apply by selecting the “Dinner” option and including a brief description of why you would like to attend. You will be contacted regarding your application prior to the event.
For more information and to register for this event please click here.