
Healthy futures: genomics and beyond

28 November 2017, 9am


Healthy futures: genomics and beyond

Date: 28 November 2017

Time: 09:00 to 17:30

Location: Clare College, Cambridge

This event is being held by the PHG Foundation. For more information, including how to book, please see here.

Scientific innovation and social change are driving us rapidly towards personalised healthcare. What will this future look like, and how will we get there?

Join an international line-up of expert speakers to explore how genomics and other emerging technologies are transforming the healthcare landscape, and consider some of the critical people, practical and policy issues that lie ahead. PHG Foundation events always include high-quality discussion and plenty of networking opportunities.

Following the opening keynote by Professor Sue Hill, a variety of sessions will be held during the day covering topics including; innovation into practice in the NHS, and technologies to transform healthcare.

For more information, including how to book, please see here.