Are you a graduate student, researcher or University faculty member with an interest in public opinion or public policy? If so, please join us for one of three workshops where pollsters from YouGov will discuss:
- The uses and abuses of professional opinion polling in politics and public policy
- The dynamics of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ survey questions
- The recent YouGov/Cambridge University national census
- How you can access and analyse YouGov archives
The workshop will take place between 5.30 and 8.00 pm on 26 October 2011, in:
The Old Library
Emmanuel College
St Andrew's Street
Other workshops will take place between 5.30 and 8.00pm on 9 November at Queens' College, Cambridge and 22 November at Clare College, Cambridge.
There are only 40 places available on each workshop so please register early. Online registration at
For more information on the workshops please email Joel Rogers and for more information on Cambridge Public Policy please email Miranda gomperts.