Professor Andrew Stirling

Professorial Fellow, SPRU at University of Sussex

Professor of Science and Technology Policy, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

Andrew Stirling grew up around southwest England and in Singapore. He has a doctorate in science and technology policy from Sussex University. Working as a field archaeologist and ecology and peace activist in the 80's, he later co-ordinated nuclear, disarmament and energy campaigns for Greenpeace International, serving on their Board of Directors in the 90's. Andrew now works as an interdisciplinary, policy-engaged researcher, focusing on challenges of empowerment, environment and human wellbeing in the governance of science, technology and innovation.

His current role at Sussex involves research and postgraduate teaching on challenges of democracy, equity and sustainability in the governance of science, technology and innovation. He is presently serving as Research Director for SPRU (led by Gordon MacKerron), co-directs the ESRC-funded joint IDS-SPRU STEPS Centre (led by Melissa Leach) and is (jointly) Director of Research for the Management School (led by Ian Davidson).

Among other projects, he co-directs the DEFRA-funded joint Surrey-Sussex Research Group on Sustainable Lifestyles (led by Tim Jackson), is co-investigator in an ESRC Research Cluster on Energy Security, (led by Catherine Mitchell) and is a member of the Sussex Energy Group (led by Jim Watson).

He serves on the Research Committee of the ESRC and on editorial boards for the Journal of Risk Research, Minerva, Nature EMBO Reports, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management and Environmental Innovation and Societal Transition.