Ben Henshall

Deputy Director, Data Science at Number 10


Deputy Director, Data Science and AI, Number 10

Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Ben Henshall is Deputy Director, Data Science and AI at Number 10. He co-founded the data science unit which exists to facilitate the use of analysis and evidence in key policy decisions. He spent most of 2020 leading on covid analysis and has previously led teams on a broad range of areas including housing and EU Exit.

  • 21 October 2021, 3pm

    CSaP annual meeting & reception 2021

    On 21 October 2021, CSaP hosted its first in-person networking event since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The annual meeting and reception, held at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London, provided an opportunity for 115 public policy professionals, industry leaders, and researchers to meet and share their experiences to improve decision-making.

  • In news articles

    Meet the Fellow: Ben Henshall, Number 10

    A CSaP Policy Fellow from Number 10, says he wants to engage with researchers and give academia “a chance again” during a visit to the University of Cambridge. Ben Henshall, Head of Analysis at 10 Downing Street, met with several academics in November 2011 as part of the CSaP Policy Fellowship scheme.