Emeritus Professor of Science Studies at the Centre for the Study of Environmental Change, Lancaster University
Professor Brian Wynne is Emeritus Professor of Science Studies at Centre for the Study of Environmental Change (CSEC) at Lancaster University. His research has covered technology and risk assessment, public risk perceptions, and public understanding of science, focusing on the relations between expert and lay knowledge and policy decision-making.
Professor Wynne has an MA (Natural Sciences, Cambridge 1968), PhD (Materials Science, Cambridge 1971), and MPhil (Sociology of Science, Edinburgh 1977). He was an Inaugural Member of the Management Board and Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, (EEA), (1994-2000) and a Special Adviser to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry into Science and Society, (March 2000) and a member of the London Royal Society's Committee on Science in Society. Wynne was awarded the John Desmond Bernal Prize by the Society for Social Studies of Science in 2010.