Secondee from the National Audit Office (NAO), RAND Europe
Jenny George has recently joined RAND Europe on secondment from the National Audit Office (NAO). She is a chartered accountant, with 20 years’ experience of conducting value for money audit of government departments and many other public bodies. Her expertise in value for money assessment uses research and analysis to secure improvements to policy and decision making. Her work at the NAO has sought to improve the delivery of public services by strengthening accountability and transparency, and by evaluating outcomes. She has worked in a range of sectors, specialising mainly in health and international development and focussing on public / patient experience. Until taking up her secondment, she was the lead director responsible for the NAO’s client relationship with the Department for Health & Social Care. Her published reports in the health sector include topics such as: Waiting times for NHS elective and cancer care; Children and young people’s mental health services; developing new care models through NHS Vanguards, NHS property services ltd; clinical negligence, improving general practice, NHS continuing healthcare funding, the collapse of the UnitingCare Partnership contract in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, managing conflicts of interest in CCGs and public health.