Head of Adult Social Care, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
CAPE Policy Fellow
Jo Mundie leads the Adult Social Care Policy Division in the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. She has sought to apply the learning from both her undergraduate (Social Anthropology and Gender Studies) and her masters degrees (Food Policy) to the roles she has taken on since joining the civil service. Roles have included working on young offender policy; combining her research and policy interests by conducting a dissertation on the government's '5 a day' policy and subsequently working on nutrition policy in the Department of Health; and also leading the Ministry of Justice's work on Arms' Length Bodies.
Jo took on a critical role as the liaison officer between the central government and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and recently took on leadership of the department's Adult Social Care policy team, working on priorities including the adult social care workforce and health and care integration.