Joanna Hofman

Deputy Director (Employment, Skills and Equality) at RAND Europe

Deputy Director (Employment, Skills and Equality), RAND Europe

Joanna Hofman is deputy director at RAND Europe where she leads the Employment, Skills and Equality research portfolio. She specialises in process and impact evaluations drawing on various research designs (from experimental to mixed methods) and approaches (e.g. theory-based, realist evaluations). She has led several evaluations of randomised controlled trials funded by the UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and evidence reviews on employment, in-work progression, migration, welfare and pension policies. She carried out studies on incentives to work for parents with young children, on binding pay-transparency measures, and on high-quality job creation for the European Parliament. She completed several projects on gender equality for the European Institute for Gender Equality.

Before joining RAND Europe, Hofman worked as a senior evaluation consultant with Coffey International Development, conducting studies of public policies and programmes in the EU. Previously, she was head of the European Social Fund Evaluation and Monitoring Unit in the Polish administration. She also represented Poland at the Local Employment and Economic Development Programme at the OECD and at the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.

She has carried out several training courses on evaluation approaches, designs and methods. She is a member of the Polish Evaluation Society, Social Research Association, and European Evaluation Society.

Hofman received her Master of European economics and public affairs degree from University College Dublin, Ireland.