Former Permanent Secretary, Scottish Government
Policy Leaders Fellow Alumna, Centre for Science and Policy
Leslie Evans was Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government from July 2015 to December 2022.
As the most senior civil servant in Scotland and head of the civil service supporting the Scottish Government, the Permanent Secretary is the principal policy adviser to the First Minister and Secretary to the Scottish Cabinet.
As the principal accountable officer for the Scottish Government, Leslie is personally responsible to the Scottish Parliament for the exercise of her responsibilities. This includes the management of the Scottish Government’s £42.5 billion budget and the economic, efficient and effective use of all related resources. Leading more than 6,500 civil servants who work for the Scottish Government in Scotland, London and across the world, Leslie supports the development, implementation and communication of government policies.
Leslie joined the Scottish Government in September 2000, having spent 20 years working for local authorities in Scotland (City of Edinburgh Council and Stirling Council) and England (London Borough of Greenwich and Sheffield City Council).
Her previous post within the Scottish Government was Director General Learning and Justice. Previous positions include Head of Local Government Constitution & Governance Division, Head of Public Service Reform Group, Head of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and Director of Culture, External Affairs and Tourism.