Professor of Formal Methods, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
Muffy Calder is Professor of Formal Methods in the School of Computing Science, and a former Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland. She is currently a Royal Society Leverhulme Research Senior Fellow. Her research is in modelling and reasoning about the behaviour of complex software and biochemical systems using computer science, mathematics and automated reasoning techniques. She has collaborations with many world-leading companies and in the distant past has been a research fellow at BT Laboratories and DEC in California.
Previously, she was Dean for Research in the College of Science and Engineering, Head of Department, Chair of UKCRC (UK Computing Research Committee), member of EPSRC TOP (Technical Opportunities Panel) and the Scottish Science Advisory Committee, and Senate Assessor on Court. Currently, she is Chair of the BCS Academy of Computing Research Committee and MSc. external examiner at University of Manchester.
She is a past external examiner for undergraduate degrees at the universities of Warwick, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, and NUI Cork. She has a PhD in Computational Science from the University of St. Andrews and a BSc in Computing Science from the University of Stirling. Over the years she has supervised 13 PhD students and 9 postdoctoral research assistants. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and was awarded the OBE in 2010.
Research Interests:
mathematical modelling and automated reasoning for concurrent, communicating systems:
- model-checking
- process algebras
- probabilistic systems
- protocols and telecommunications services
- biochemical networks and cell signalling
- sensor-driven systems
- safety-critical systems