Nathan Boublil

Ex Founder and Tech Investor at 468 Capital

Ex Founder and Tech Investor, 468 Capital
Policy Fellow Alum, Centre for Science and Policy
Now heading emerging markets VC at 468 Capital, a leading global early stage investment fund, Nathan was a Policy Fellow from 2012 to 2014. He co-founded the data technology startup SmartGov, backed by Microsoft Ventures and Cambridge. He was previously Economic Advisor to the French Foreign Ministry. In this role he has published several reports / articles in collaboration with think-tanks such as Chatham House (UK) and Institut Montaigne (Fr). Prior to this, Nathan was an Investment Banker at Deutsche Bank where he worked on large M&A and corporate finance transactions in London and Paris.

Nathan is a political economist by training. He graduated from Selwyn College, Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). He speaks English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.