Professor Neil Lindsay

at Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

Senior Advisor to the Counter-Terrorism Science and Technology Centre, DSTL
Continuing Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Neil Lindsay works in DSTL, the organisation providing scientific and technical support to the Ministry of Defence. Following a period of in-depth materials research, Neil has undertaken a number of senior roles within DSTL beginning with Chief Scientist (Naval Systems), at the time one of the largest operational departments comprising over 300 staff. Maintaining scientific rigour and technical quality, encouraging curiosity, whilst meeting the requirements of demanding customers, both above and below the waves, was a challenge but hugely rewarding. For the last five years Neil has developed innovative systems-based techniques to understand and counter complex enterprises and threats, supporting a range of UK operational commitments overseas.

Neil has a BSc in Metallurgy & Materials Technology from the University of Aston, a PhD in materials science from the University of Bath, an MBA from the UK Defence Academy/Cranfield Business School, and is a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Loughborough University.

Neil has recently completed a period as a National Security Fellow within CSaP. He has identified the potential for Government to exploit more fully exciting technical developments within academia, in particular to counter the threat posed by improvised explosive devices. This line of work has highlighted some interesting future lines of enquiry which will form the basic platform for a Policy Fellowship, posing a generic question: “How does Government identify, recirculate and thereby better exploit the widest range of developments in academia?” This work will explore human, life and social sciences in addition to the physical sciences and engineering.

Additionally, Neil will examine how new systems approaches can support the development of future Government policy and to determine better the impact of policy in complex and sensitive areas such as energy, food, climate and environment, and the preservation of strategic national resources.