Rachel Beaven

Director at Cambridge Econometrics

Director, Cambridge Econometrics

Rachel Beaven is a Director of Cambridge Econometrics (CE). Her research interests are employment and skills, and how labour market data and intelligence can best be used to inform decision-makers. For Cedefop, she has developed a composite index to measure the comparative performance of EU Member States’ skills systems, and she provides data analysis and intelligence on skills and labour markets for the Skills Panorama.

With an interest in how jobs are shaped by economic change, Rachel has expertise in employment forecasting and skills anticipation; she leads Cedefop’s pan-European skills supply and demand forecasts and CE’s contributions to the UK’s Working Futures labour market projections. Her work also estimates the economic benefits of investing in education and training; for example, she has led, for the UK’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, a study to make recommendations to further improve estimates of additionality in Apprenticeships using comparison group analyses and a project that developed a framework to estimate the economic impact of further education.

Rachel has been with Cambridge Econometrics since 1993 and has a BSc in Economics with Econometrics from the University of Bath.