PhD Student Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
International Economic Lawyer
Victor Crochet is a second year PhD student at Cambridge University. His research focuses on States’ cross-border economic activities under international economic law. His recent academic publications include “Trade Defence Instruments: A New Tool for the European Union’s Extractivism” (European Journal of International Law, 2022, Vol. 33(2)), where he discusses how recent shifts in the trade defence practice of the European Commission may hinder resource-rich countries’ development, as well as “China’s ‘Going Global’ Policy: Transnational Production Subsidies Under the WTO SCM Agreement” (Journal of International Economic Law, 2020, Vol. 23(4)), where he assesses China’s subsidies to Chinese companies abroad under the rules of the World Trade Organization.
Victor also practices as an international economic lawyer, advising governments in central and East-Asia on how to navigate the European Union’s external economic policies and on how to enact industrial strategies in line with international economic law. Victor also regularly represents governments in disputes before the World Trade Organization and under free trade agreements. Furthermore, he has experience defending the interests of exporting producers and governments in trade defence investigations initiated by the European Commission and by other countries’ investigating authorities.