Professor Bill Nuttall

Professor of Energy Policy and Transformation (part-time) at University of Bristol

Professor of Energy Policy and Transformation (part-time), University of Bristol
Fellow of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

William Nuttall's research centres upon issues concerning energy technologies and public policy. A major area of activity relates to nuclear energy, the nuclear fuel cycle and possibilities for advanced nuclear energy technologies.

From 2002 to 2012 he taught Technology Policy at Cambridge University. Based in Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS) his post was shared with Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED). He is today a Fellow (honorary) of CJBS and an Affiliated Lecturer in CUED.

He teaches on the Cambridge MPhil in Nuclear Energy. He is also an Associate Researcher of the Cambridge-based Electricity Policy Research Group. He is a Fellow of Hughes Hall, a college of the University of Cambridge.

Professor Nuttall is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He is a Non-Resident Fellow of the Payne Institute for Public Policy at Colorado School of Mines, USA.

He is an experienced commentator on energy-related issues and the author, or editor, of numerous books targeted at different audiences from the scholarly to the popular.

His research focuses on issues of technology and policy deploying methods such as system dynamics, decision analysis and agent-based simulation.

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