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The Global Biodiversity Framework and the UK
In June 2023, Craig Bennett (CEO at The Wildlife Trusts and former CSaP Policy Fellow) met with the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum to discuss the Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) and what this means for the UK.
10 July 2023
Reading group on Five Times Faster #2: Rethinking the diplomacy of climate change
In a second CSaP reading group session, an open conversation was held by academics and students from across the university, and Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (Leverhulme Trust Visiting Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, University of Cambridge) provided opening remarks on the diplomacy chapters of Simon Sharpe’s book, Five Times Faster, Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change.
7 July 2023
The role of the Climate Change Committee in solving the net zero puzzle
In May, the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum met with Chris Stark, the Chief Executive of the UK Climate Change Committee (CCC).
7 July 2023
Cambridge Zero Postgraduate Academy seminar with Chris Stark, UK Climate Change Committee
On 17 May 2023, the Cambridge Zero Postgraduate Academy launched their first ever Student Dialogue event with Chris Stark, Chief Executive, UK Climate Change Committee (CCC). The Student Dialogue is an exciting new initiative aiming to bring postgraduate students into conversation with senior policymakers and experts in the climate space; this first event was a great showcase for the engaging and thought-provoking dialogue that these sessions can enable.
4 July 2023
Reading group on Five Times Faster #1: Rethinking the science of climate change
In June, the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum met for the first of four reading group sessions, on Five Times Faster: Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change, by Senior Fellow at the World Resources Institute, Simon Sharpe.
23 June 2023
Reframing Climate Policies: Strategies for Public Engagement and Behaviour Change
CSaP's Annual Conference 2023 concluded by unveiling key strategies to bridge the gap between public engagement and policy implementation on climate and resilience. The discussion also focused on how to revolutionise climate action in the UK.
19 June 2023
The geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic
Marie-Anne Coninsx, the first EU Ambassador for the Artic and Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge, met with the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum, to discuss the geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic.
9 June 2023
Mobilising green investment: challenges and opportunities for the UK economy
This Cambridge Zero Policy forum seminar explored the second Green Finance Strategy published on 30 March 2023, with Ben Fagan-Watson, Head of the Green Finance Team, Net Zero Strategy Directorate.
4 May 2023
Accelerating the pace of climate change policy through science, economics and diplomacy
Drawing on his experience as a diplomat, policy maker and a user of science and economics, Simon Sharpe outlined his vision for the major institutional and ideological changes needed to reach net zero global emissions by 2030.
29 March 2023
The opportunities presented by a net zero growth agenda in the United Kingdom
In February 2023, the Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP met with the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum at Hughes Hall to discuss the opportunities offered by the acceleration of net zero. Cross-disciplinary academics from across the University came together for a roundtable conversation covering net zero policy recommendations, opportunities for climate leadership, and how to move these priorities forward.