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Subscribe to RSS13 May 2024
Defending the digital frontier: insights into cyber security
Cyber security is a growing issue that impacts a wide suite of society ranging from citizens at home, to the workplace, to the heart of governments. Richard Crowther unpacked the myths, problems, and solutions that attend to cyber security and the rise of ransomware.
6 November 2020
Digital Translators
StateUp partnered with CSaP for the October event in their digital translator series, which seeks to improve the quality of conversation at the intersection of government and technology, by seeking out and learning from individuals and organizations that are helping to move the needle in a positive direction at this juncture.
2 December 2019
How can we measure social cohesion?
At a meeting on cohesive societies, the University of Oxford's Anthony Heath led a conversation on measuring social cohesion alongside Ed Humpherson, Director General of the UK Statistics Authority.
20 July 2018
Debating the future of artificial intelligence
This event brought together experts on AI from Cambridge and the Rhine-Main universities for a debate on how artificial intelligence will transform public services and business and what role policy makers can play in preparing society for the future impact of artificial intelligence.
28 June 2018
Data science and AI in policy opportunities
This session highlighted the potential opportunities provided by data science and AI, and how these might influence or aid future policymaking.
15 June 2018
How can data science contribute to developing evidence-based policy?
CSaP’s Continuing Policy Fellows came together last month to discuss broad challenges in developing evidence informed policy, as well as the potential use of advances in data science and digital technologies for public policy.
16 November 2017
Talent Pipeline for the Digital Economy & the Creative Industries, with Matthew Hancock MP
A new major study suggests that the UK has one of the best digital economies of any country in the world, which is highly evolved and quickly advancing. Given this context, Matthew Hancock MP, gave his vision of harnessing the creativity and innovation in the UK to create new entrepreneurs.
1 July 2016
The intersection of business and encryption, and the implications for practice and policy
CSaP worked with Dr Ella McPherson, a Lecturer in the Sociology of New Media and Digital Technology, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, to deliver a Policy Workshop on the 'business of encryption'.
8 April 2016
Privacy, secrecy, transparency: what does it mean for evidence based policy?
What is preventing the use of personal data for evidence based policy? Drawing on rapidly evolving commercial best practice, what practical steps can be taken to overcome these obstacles? How can data science support policy?
22 September 2015
How is Big Data research and analysis used to improve public policy and services?
On 18 September 2015, CSaP teamed up with Cambridge Big Data and the Royal Statistical Society to run a workshop exploring how data science and ‘Big Data’ can help inform and improve public policy.