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Subscribe to RSS3 March 2024
Access to Data: Challenges and Solutions
Professor Frank Kelly, Emeritus Professor of the Mathematics of Systems, University of Cambridge, addressed some of the challenges of data sharing and suggested some possible solutions.
10 July 2023
Reading group on Five Times Faster #2: Rethinking the diplomacy of climate change
In a second CSaP reading group session, an open conversation was held by academics and students from across the university, and Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (Leverhulme Trust Visiting Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, University of Cambridge) provided opening remarks on the diplomacy chapters of Simon Sharpe’s book, Five Times Faster, Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change.
27 April 2021
Evidence and opportunities: Incorporating citizen science into policy
As part of the CSaP Policy Fellows’ seminar series on citizen science, Professor Alan Irwin (Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School) discussed citizen science and how it fits into scientific evidence and advice feeding into public policy.
29 May 2020
Finding a Place for Citizen Science in Policymaking
As part of our 2020 Virtual Annual Conference, we asked: how does citizen science help us think about science not merely as a matter of applying expert knowledge within policy, but rather as a different set of ways of developing understanding and mobilizing science through broader processes of engagement and inquiry?
15 April 2020
What are Citizen Sciences?
In the opening session of CSaP's Spring 2020 Virtual Citizen Science Conference, Professor Alan Irwin, Professor Muki Haklay and Professor Jennifer Gabrys explore the question "what are citizen sciences?"
7 April 2020
Perspectives on Citizen Science
During the lightning round of CSaP's Spring 2020 Virtual Citizen Science Conference, six individuals working in different aspects of citizen science shared their stories and offered their perspective on what it means to engage in citizen science.
3 October 2019
Citizen science: reshaping relations between science, government and citizens
Professor Vogel gave the keynote address at the first event in CSaP’s new citizen science initiative.