In 2014, for the first time, more people live in cities than in rural areas. By 2050, more than 70% of people are predicted to be living in cities. Such rapid growth and urbanisation creates tremendous opportunities and also tremendous challenges, both for the people who live there and for the environment. Can we rethink how we design and live in cities in the future? How will resources flow to and around them and how will cities adapt to the challenges they face?
The Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP), the Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment, and the Energy@Cambridge Initiative co-hosted a Science Festival evening event where a panel of distinguished speakers talked about their vision for a sustainable city and how increased connectivity and the flow of resources, people and energy could help to shape cities in the future.
(Banner image from Flickr)
18 March 2015, 6pm
Connectivity and flows in future cities
CSaP, the Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment, and the Energy@Cambridge Initiative are co-hosting a Science Festival evening event where a panel of distinguished speakers will talk about their vision for a sustainable city and how increased connectivity and the flow of resources, people and energy could help to shape cities in the future.