
Public Health: Research into Policy

8 August 2016


Dr Caroline Trotter and her team at Cambridge’s Department of Veterinary Medicine have used mathematical modelling to help ensure that World Health Organisation guidelines provide the most robust and effective approach to meningitis vaccinations in Sub-Saharan Africa. To learn more about this case study of public health policy engagement click here.

This case study is part of the new Public Health: Research into Policy pilot, which seeks to strengthen links between public health researchers at the University and policymakers. The pilot was launched by the Cambridge Institute of Public Health and the PublicHealth@Cambridge Network, and is overseen by a steering group including representatives from the Public Policy Strategic Research Initiative and the Centre for Science and Policy.

Case studies are being added to the website throughout the lifespan of the pilot. For any enquiries related to the pilot, please contact Lauren Milden, Public Health Policy Coordinator, via