The next CSaP Distinguished Lecture will be delivered by Dominique Ristori, Director-General of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission on 18 October 2012, starting at 17:30, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Chair: Professor Dame Sandra Dawson, KPMG Professor of Management at Judge Business School, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
The ever more complex challenges facing Europe have made the demand for evidence-based EU policies even greater. EU policymakers need more and more scientific support and advice for policy development and impact assessment. As the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's (JRC) mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support and advice throughout the whole policy cycle.
The JRC is the European Commission's only Directorate-General (DG) that carries out scientific research in its own laboratories. The primary purpose of this research is to support the policy development of the policy DGs of the Commission, and to ensure the excellence of its support and advice to policy, the JRC works closely with the scientific community in the EU and internationally, including in academia, national government and industry.
The JRC focuses on a limited number of key priorities: financial stability and economic growth; environment and climate change; energy and transport; agriculture and food security; health and consumer protection; information society and digital agenda; and all aspects of safety and security, including those related to nuclear energy - all supported through a cross-cutting and multidisciplinary approach.
Dominique Ristori will set out his ideas on the key challenges and opportunities for better integrating science and policy as seen from the EU perspective, drawing on recent new orientations in the JRC.
Dominique's lecture can be viewed here:
This lecture took place at Churchill College, Cambridge.
Dominique Ristori
European Commission
Professor Dame Sandra Dawson
Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge
In news articles
Dominique Ristori discusses the role of science in securing Europe's economic recovery
Dominique Ristori, Director General of the EC's Joint Research Centre sets out his ideas on the key challenges and opportunities for better integrating science and policy as seen from the EU perspective, drawing on recent new orientations in the JRC.