
2017 Christ's College Climate seminars

26 January 2017, 5:30pm


2017 Christ's College Climate seminars: In it for the long run: A series of events on tackling climate change

What institutional arrangements, knowledge and politics are required to tackle climate change in the coming decades?

The Centre for Science and Policy worked with Professor Charles Kennel, Director emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, to deliver the 2017 series of climate change seminars hosted by Christ’s College.

Science, politics, knowledge management, innovation and markets all play a role in climate change action, but what is the role of the University of Cambridge as an ‘anchor institution’ for these?

Bringing together speakers spanning the worlds of research and policy, the event series explored how the multifaceted aspects of climate change action can come together to help us make the right decisions for the long run.

There were two climate seminar series running this term. One series is organised by CSaP in partnership with Christ's College, the other is organised by Dr Hugh Hunt. Details of all events are listed below.

CSaP Christ's College Climate Seminar Series
26 January: Seminar 1- Planetary vital signs, and walking the talk after Paris - climate risk management

Speakers: Professor Chris Rapley (UCL) and Professor Charles Kennel (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

A written summary of the seminar can be read here.

To listen to the talk, please click the link below:

2 February: Seminar 2 - The Climate Change Act and timescales for policy and action

Speaker: Clive Maxwell (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy)

A written summary of the seminar can be read here.

9 February: Seminar 3 - A new era for climate observations

Speaker: Stephen Briggs (European Space Agency)

A written summary of the seminar can be read here.

To listen to the talk, please click the link below:

16 February: Seminar 4 - Data analytics for climate decision-making

Speaker: Dr Emily Shuckburgh (British Antarctic Survey)

A written summary of the seminar can be read here.

To listen to the talk, please click the link below:

9 March: Seminar 5 - Climate change - morphing into an existential threat

Speaker: Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

To listen to the talk, please click the link below:

These events will build on the success of three years of previous event series - please click here, here and here for recordings of previous seminars.

Cambridge Climate Lecture Series chaired by Dr Hugh Hunt
Lecture 1: A race between physics and politics

Date: Thursday 23 February, 19:30 - 21:00

Venue: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (map)

Speaker: Baroness Bryony Worthington

Lecture 2: 2°C Roadmap based on Financial Analysis

Date: Thursday 2 March, 19:30 - 21:00

Venue: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (map)

Speaker: Anthony Hobley (Carbon Tracker Initiative)

Lecture 3: Paris, climate and surrealism: how numbers reveal an alternate reality

Date: Thursday 9 March, 19:30 - 21:00

Venue: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (map)

Speaker: Professor Kevin Anderson (University of Cambridge)

Lecture 4: From COP 21 to zero global emissions - a panel discussion

Date: Thursday 16 March, 17:30 - 19:00

Venue: Lady Mitchell Hall (map)

Panel: Lady Bryony Worthington, Anthony Hobley, Professor Kevin Anderson, Lord Martin Rees.

(Image credits: Banner - Smoky Hills Wind Farm, Brent Flanders, Flickr)

  • In news articles

    Has climate change become an existential threat?

    In the final climate seminar of the 2017 series, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, explains we may be facing an existential threat from climate change.