2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
The Centre for Science and Policy is working with Professor Charles Kennel, Director emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, to deliver the 2018 series of climate change seminars hosted by Christ’s College.
The 2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars will address three questions: In what ways are climates changing? What meanings are ascribed to these changes? And what is the scope for future interventions? In this four-part series we will explore these questions from scientific, cultural and policy perspectives. The aim is to shed light on different meanings of climate change, to engage the imagination and to explore the range of cultural and political responses to climate change.
There are two climate seminar series running this term. One series is organised by CSaP in partnership with Christ's College, the other is organised by Dr Hugh Hunt. Details of all events are listed below.
2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars
18 January: Seminar 1- Whatever happened to the hiatus in warming?
Speakers: Professor Charles Kennel, Director Emeritus of the Sripps Institution of Oceanography
A written summary of the seminar can be read here.
To listen to the talk, please click the link below:
25 January: Seminar 2- Scenarios of Climate Change: cultural responses to unsettled times and uncertain futures
Speaker: Dr Renata Tyszczuk, Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield
A written summary of the seminar can be read here.
To listen to the talk, please click the link below:
1 February: Seminar 3 - The Cultural functions of climate
Speaker: Professor Mike Hulme, Professor of Human Geography
A written summary of the seminar can be read here.
To listen to the talk, please click the link below:
8 February: Seminar 4 - Climate science and policy: tales of the unexpected
Speaker: Dr Steve Smith, Head of Climate Science at Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
A written summary of the seminar can be read here.
To listen to the talk, please click the link below:
These events will build on the success of four years of previous event series - please click here (2017), here (2017), here (2016) , here (2016) and here (2015) for recordings of previous seminars.For the 2018 recordings please click here
Cambridge Climate Lecture Series chaired by Dr Hugh Hunt
Lecture 1 - International Centre for Climate Change and Development
Time: 15 February, 2018
Location: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (Map)
Speaker :Dr. Saleemul Huq
Lecture 2 - Climate Tracker
Time: 22 February, 2018
Location: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (Map)
Speaker: Renee Juliene Karunungan
Lecture 3 - European Space Agency / University of Cambridge
Time: 1 March, 2018
Location: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (Map)
Speaker: Dr. Stephen Briggs
Lecture 4 - Ecosphere+
Time: 8 March, 2018
Location: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (Map)
Speaker: Lisa Walker
Lecture 5 - Panel Discussion at the Cambridge Science Festival
Time: 15 March, 2018
Location: Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College (Map)
- Sir David King (University of Cambridge, Foreign Secretary's Special Representative for Climate Change, Royal Society Fellow)
- Renee Juliene Karunungan (Climate Tracker)
- Lisa Walker (Ecosphere+)
(Banner image Harnessing Nature by Tommy Clark via Flicker CC)