Policy Officer, Seconded National Expert in the European AI Office, European Commission
Policy Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy
Alex Moltzau joined the European AI Office in the European Commission the day it went live, as a Policy Officer Seconded National Expert sent from the Norwegian Ministry of Digitalisation and Governance to DG CNECT A2 Artificial Intelligence Regulation and Compliance. He leads work on AI regulatory sandboxes and works directly to coordinate this subgroup within the confines of the AI Board. Furthermore, he recently undertook the work in the AI Pact including gathering the signatories of the commitments for proactive implementation of the AI Act.
He previously worked full-time with artificial intelligence policy, ethics, and international partnerships at the largest research collaboration in Norway, the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium. His academic background is within Social Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Public Services (AI4GOV). During this time, he was part of bringing to life some of the most comprehensive science policy changes in the field of AI Norway has ever implemented, including a large increased investment in research and education (the AI billion) as well as increased national planning for AI in health. One recent publication relates to the importance of working with academia within AI regulatory sandboxes published in Harvard Data Science Review (2024).
He has been a member of the Working Committee of the Bilateral Artificial Intelligence Agreement with the United States Department of Energy organising bilateral meetings. He was also a Member of the Nordic Ethical AI Expert Group within Nordic Innovation under the Nordic Council of Ministers with a policy paper informing the Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries.