The European Commission represents the interests of the EU as a whole. It proposes new legislation to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and it ensures that EU law is correctly applied by member countries. The term 'Commission' refers to both the 27 Commissioners (28 after Croatia's accession on 1stJuly 2013) and the wider institution itself.
The Commission has the right of initiative to propose laws for adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU (national ministers). In most cases, the Commission makes proposals to meet its obligations under the EU treaties, or because another EU institution, country or stakeholder has asked it to act. From April 2012, EU citizens may also call on the Commission to propose laws.
Before making proposals, the Commission consults widely so that stakeholders' views can be taken into account. In general, an assessment of the potential economic, social and environmental impact of a given piece of legislation act is published along with the proposal itself.
The principles of subsidiarity and proportionality mean that the EU may legislate only where action is more effective at EU level than at national, regional or local level, and then no more than necessary to attain the agreed objectives.
Once EU legislation has been adopted, the Commission ensures that it is correctly applied by the EU member countries.
Nicole Dewandre
Policy Coordinator Foresight
Isidro Laso Ballesteros
Cabinet Member at Commission for Transport
Sebastiano Lustig
Policy Coordinator, European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
David Mair
Head of unit A1
Jacqueline Minor
Head of Representation to UK
Alex Moltzau
Policy Officer, Seconded National Expert in the European AI Office
Aude Neuville
Policy Officer, Joint Research Centre
Stephen Quest
Director General - JRC
Dominique Ristori
Director-General of Directorate-General Energy
Dr Anne-Marie Sassen
Acting Head of Unit "Digital Transformation of industrial ecosystems"
Lewin Schmitt
Policy Assistant, European Political Strategy Centre
Dr Fabrizio Sestini
Senior Expert, Advisor, Digital Social Innovation, DG Connect
Virginijus Sinkevičius
Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
Dr Max Uebe
Head of Unit, Employment Strategy, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Dr David Wilkinson
Director of Policy Support Coordination