Professor Andy Jones

Expert in Public Health at Norfolk County Council

Expert in Public Health, Norfolk County Council

Andy has a BSc and a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the School of Environmental Sciences UEA. His PhD focussed on the association between geographical access to health services and outcomes from diseases amenable to treatment. Andy obtained a lectureship in the same department on completion of his PhD and since then has developed a research portfolio of studies which examine the influence of environmental conditions on health and related behaviours.

In the last few years he has particularly focussed on the role of the environment as a potential determinant of physical activity and dietary behaviours. He has worked with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and Natural England on the role of urban green spaces in determining activity levels.

In 2008 he lead authored a key British Government Foresight report on Obesogenic Environments, and was a member of the expert panel that produced guidelines on the environment and physical activity published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). He currently sits on the NICE expert panel looking at the role of community approaches for obesity prevention, due to publish Spring 2012.