Dr Jane Kennedy

at Consultant


Policy Fellow Alumna, Centre for Science and Policy

Jane is now leading value for money (VFM) opinion work for local government clients working in Grant Thornton's national VFM team as an independent consultant.

Jane is a public sector systems leader who works with chief executives, senior management and elected members to drive transformation and improvement. She is a Visiting Fellow @UniofBathIPR, Solace Total Leadership, Solace Associate.

Jane was formerly Head of Research and Data Hub, Strategic Commissioning and Partnership Development at London Borough of Newnham, leading policy research and evaluation commissioned by the Elected Mayor. Previously she worked as a Senior Manager in the National Studies Team at the Audit Commission (2007-11) and before that for Staffordshire County Council, where she was responsible for corporate policy, business planning and strategic partnership improvement (1994-2007).

She has a PhD in resource-based strategy focused on local government performance, and an MBA; has published in peer reviewed journals; and has taught on the Masters in Public Administration at Warwick University. She has worked with a range of academic partners including ESRC local government navigators, LSE, Institute of Education, Institute of Employment Studies, Birmingham University, Essex University, and Staffordshire University. She also has nine years’ experience as a volunteer police officer, including two years as an Inspector managing 26 officers across four police stations.

To read about Jane's experience as a Policy Fellow in Cambridge see here.